“On marche sur la tête…”
Since October 2023, the FNSEA* and Jeune Agriculteurs (Young Farmers) have rebuked the disconnect between the speeches of our French and European political leaders as well as the decisions that weigh on farmers. This discontent has been expressed throughout the country through the action “On marche sur la tête “ ("We walk on our heads" => which translates roughly to “it’s nonsense,” like walking on your head makes no sense. This refers to illogical government mandates affecting French and European farmers. Hence, village signs turned upside down.) The exceptional mobilization of all departments (there are 101 administration departments in France) and other European nations have made it possible to achieve important victories. I’m extremely proud of the collective efforts of Cahors paysans in the Lot Valley, and all farmers in France & Europe for standing up for defending our livelihoods and freedoms. Agriculture is such a foundational thread of French identity & food security with imperative tangible & intangible assets that we cannot afford to lose.
The FNSEA’s press release from January 24, 2024 states: at the European level on glyphosate, on the SUR (Sabotaging EU Pesticide Reduction Law) regulation or on the nature restoration project. At the French level, progress should also be highlighted, in particular the compensation measures obtained following the reduction of the tax advantage on gazole non routier (GNR), or diesel gas. However, denouncing the unions and a plethora of incomprehensible decisions continues to fall on the sector, in a context where farmers are already violently affected by climate change on their farms.
The current plans and standards are only part of a short-term stance and do not answer the following question: How can we ensure the economic sustainability of their farms for farmers, and particularly for the new generations who are setting up? "We need a strong structural change!” Very concrete measures are expected to give a signal on farms.
These demands, which will have to be accompanied by longer-term reflections at the French and European levels, also aim to change the vision of our French and European political decision-makers on agriculture," the statement concludes before specifying the measures demanded in favor of:
1. The dignity of farmers in practice;
2. Fair remuneration for their work;
3. The re-establishment of acceptable conditions for the practice of the profession.
Read details of the Revindications of the FNSEA press release by clicking HERE.
*The FNSEA, or the Fédération nationale des syndicats d'exploitants agricoles (National Federation of Agricultural Holders' Unions) is a French umbrella organisation charged with the national representation of 20,000 local agricultural unions and 22 regional federations.